ekyc for Dharani non-Agricultural Properties Enrolment Online
Telangana government started asking e kyc for non-agriculture property enrolment online, which is digitalization program of all non-agriculture properties like houses, apartments, etc. all commercial and open plots in Hyderabad or any place in Telangana properties. All the details updated in the dharani portal which is easy to do the registration process when you sell or buy your property.
The government of Telangana is launching the dharani portal for nonagricultural properties in Grama panchayat, municipalities, Including GHMC.and also going to issue nonagricultural passbook to property owners.
All residents are getting SMS from GHMC / Municipalities regarding ekyc against your property.
In ekyc we can submit details by online and offline. Required details for ekyc:
1. We should provide the type of land ex: the government or private or adobe or assigned
2. How we got the property we should mention. Example purchased or gift
3. Gender
4. Caste
5. Age
6. Mobile number
7. Property type ex: independent house or apartment or commercial or open plot
8. Plot sq yards
9. Undivided area
10. Electricity connection number
11. Water connection number
12. Identification document details ex: Pattadar passbook, ration card, MNERGA, Asara Pension, Khan Dhan Bank Account, None of the above.
13. Aadhar Details. (If the property on the joint name should provide both Aadhar numbers)
To fill online e kyc authentication for non-agricultural properties URL is : https://ts.meeseva.telangana.gov.in/TSPortaleef/UserInterface/Citizen/RevenueServices/SMSSendOTP.aspx
after submitting your information by online you will get the below message:
The last date submits details on 10th October 2020 .
Telangana Government Extended Date to apply Telangana e kyc for non-agriculture properties on 20th October 2020
Every property holder should submit details before the last date.
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