Check Telangana LRS 2020 Application Status
Telangana Government Brought Layout Regularization Scheme to Authorize all Unapproved plots and All Un Authorized Layouts, Applying to LRS 2020 is only an online process, After Applied what is the next step everyone thinking about this.
Know your LRS 2020 application Status be going through the below URL:
FAQ’s on LRS 2020
Are there any changes in LRS Charges according to the new LRS G.O?
According to the new G.O issued by the Government of Telangana State for LRS 2020, the Basic regularisation charges will be as it is but there is a small provision up to 5% has been decreased from the first basic regularisation charges issued. Coming to the pro rata charges, pro rata fees will be charged according to the market value of the land when it was registered.
- The basic regularisation charges are charged on the present market value of the land.
- The pro rata charges are charged on the market value of the land at the time of the registration.
So, while calculating the LRS 2020 Fees, consider the above two points. While calculating basic regularisation charges, take the present market value of the land. While calculating the pro rata charges take the market value of the land at the time of registration.
Can I Apply LRS 2020 on behalf of the land owner?
The land owner legal heirs can apply on behalf of the land owner as LRS is an application that you are filing to the Government in order to regularise the land or plot. So, in the absence of the land owner the legal heirs can apply for the LRS 2020. It can be done when the land owner is in abroad or overseas.
Can the Land owner Son or Wife Apply LRS 2020 when the land owner is expired?
The land owner legal heirs can apply on behalf of the land owner as LRS is an application that you are filing to the Government in order to regularise the land or plot. So, in the case of the expiry of the land owner, the legal heirs will have the full right. The legal heir can apply on behalf of the land owner when the land owner is expired. But the legal heir must have all the required documents to apply the LRS 2020.
If I have more than one plot, can I apply for an Individual plot LRS or Combined LRS?
LRS is an application to the Government of Telangana State in order to regularise the land, and it has to be applied with the help of a document called title deed or ownership document. So for each title deed or each ownership document you have to file a separate application for LRS 2020.
For example, if your plots are in the same line and one title for more than one plot then, in that case, you apply through one application or else you have to apply through different applications i.e. for each title deed one LRS application.
Should I pay VLT for my Land after LRS 2020?
The full form of VLT is Vacant Land Tax, it is the tax levied by the Government of Telangana state from the land owners whose land has house numbers or door numbers or the lands that are located in between the houses. VLT is a different issue and LRS is a different issue. VLT is related to the tax whereas LRS is related regularisation of the land or legalization of the land. So, even after paying the LRS 2020, you have to pay the VLT if your land or plot has house number or if your plot is in between the houses. VLT is mandatory for such plots even after paying the LRS charges.
Our house construction was done before 11 years and we are paying house tax, water bill, and current bill from the last 11 years but we did not take any type of permissions at the time of construction so should I pay LRS now?
Yes, LRS is applicable for the houses that are constructed without taking any sort of permissions so, as it is applicable it is better to regularise your land by paying the LRS 2020. Before constructing a house, one should take the required permissions.
Does Notary Lands are Eligible for LRS 2020?
Basically, Notary plots are considered as the plots that don’t have exact ownership documents. According to the G.O issued by the Government of Telangana State, the lands with clear title and ownership documents such lands are eligible to apply LRS 2020. So, as the Notary lands will not have the title deed or the ownership document, notary lands are not eligible to pay the LRS 2020 according to the LRS 2020 new guidelines.
Are GPA & AGPA Agents eligible to regularise the land by paying LRS 2020?
Basically, GPA and AGPA holders are called as agents, they are not the original owners of the land. They are considered as the agents of that particular land but not the owners of that land so, GPA and AGPA holders do not have any sort of right legally to regularise the land by paying the LRS 2020.
According to the G.O issued by the Government of Telangana, the lands with the clear title are eligible to apply the LRS 2020. So, the actual land owners are eligible to regularise the land by paying the LRS 2020.
We have Already applied for LRS according to GO number 78, Should we apply for LRS 2020 again?
The ones who have applied LRS according to the GO number 78 and the application is under status such type of applicants are not required to apply this LRS 2020. But if your application is rejected then in such cases you have to apply the LRS 2020. The applicants who have applied for LRS in the years 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 those applicants are not required to apply this LRS 2020.
Who Should pay the LRS Seller or the buyer?
According to the G.O issued by the Government of Telangana State, the person who is selling the land that person is responsible to sell the land that has the perfect title, ownership documents, and all the required permissions from the concerned authorities. Legally, such type of land that has a clear title, ownership documents, and LRS is suitable to sell as well as to purchase.
The person who is selling the land it is the person’s responsibility to pay the LRS and sell the plot. But in some cases, such as, if the seller and the buyer have an agreement in the months of June, July, and August (last three months before the LRS GO issued) such type of applicants can share the LRS fees by both seller and the buyer.
In the future, if you buy a plot or land it is better to check all these details like the land has a clear title, ownership documents, LRS, etc before buying the plot, according to the Government, the lands that are with clear title, ownership documents, LRS, etc are feasible to buy.