Slot Booking IN Telangana For Registration of Non-Agricultural Properties

What’s in the news?

  • The real estate people finally prevail good news to hear regarding the online slot bookings for the Non-Agricultural Properties in the State. At a length, the Government of Telangana has decided to resume the land registrations relating to the non-agricultural properties from 14th December, 2020 onwards.
  • The decision to open up the process of registration came as a relief to those engaged in the real estate business as the dealers as well as the buyers as they were worried over the prospects of their investments of the delays continued further.
  • The anxious wait was seen actually paying off after the registrations were partially suspended since 8th of September, 2020, due to the stay in the High Court.
  • The one stop portal for registration of all properties in the state is now operational through the old CARD (Computer Aided Registration of Documents) system which remained halted since three consecutive months.
  • After the government banned the process following the passage of two chief legislations predictingthe revamping of the revenue administration, it faced several allegations. Therefore, the registrations got halted firmly.

What is Dharani-Portal all about?

  • Dharani is India’s first integrated land record management system portal useful for storing digitised land records and registration of properties within Telangana.
  • It is commonly known as an online slot booking portal for Non-Agricultural Properties (NAP) in the Telangana State.
  • It was launched by Telangana Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar Garu.
  • High end computers with scanners and printers and speed broadband internet connection in this portal system enables the staffs of the sub-registered offices to work rapidly with the registration processes.
  • The time is less-consumable and quick with this system making sure that there is no corruption getting carried out in the process as well.
  • The system is enabled accurately and set up in 474 Tehsildar Offices and 141 sub-registrar offices across the state of Telangana.
  • Proper training has been allotted for the staffs to understand the system accurately.
  • Towards implementation of radical reforms in the land revenue matters, the state government has enacted a new Revenue Act, 2020, superseding all the age-old legislations governing the registration of properties. As the old laws were found to be redundant and ineffective to serve the purpose in the changed circumstances, and legal disputes over land ownership matters had been piling up in courts in lakhs, the government has introduced massive reforms through the Revenue Act.
  • For the implementation of the new law, the government is launching Dharani portal which brings in much needed transparency and puts an end to unnecessary legal disputes, illegal occupation of government lands and property tax collection, said the chief minister K. Chandrashekar Rao.
  • The Dharani portal now comes with two sections – agricultural and non-agricultural properties such as houses, flats, plots and other commercial structures.


If you are the owner to a property, you will have to select the selection either agricultural or non-agricultural. Thereafter, you need to feed in all the necessary details as per the existing records, finally uploading the supporting documents along with the form fill up. You have to select the time slot as per the availability.

  • In case you are a buyer or a seller, you have to personally visit the Tehsildar office if you want to purchase an agricultural property. If you are in need of a non-agricultural property, you have to visit the sub-registrar office. The visit to any of the office must be according to the appointed time only. Carrying all the necessary documents during the visit is a compulsion.


  • Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao has announced that the government had firmed up its resolve to reform the revenue administration enabling it to issue conclusive titles to land owners. Accordingly, the Assembly passed two Bills – The Telangana Rights in Land and Pattadar Passbooks Act, 2020 and The Telangana Abolition of the Posts of Village Revenue Officers Act 2020. And, at the same time, the government had stopped registration of agricultural and non-agricultural properties till formal guidelines relating to the new legislations were issued.
  • In the process, the government had to face shortfall in the revenue on account of stoppage of registrations relating to non-agricultural properties. Though the government had opened up registration/mutation of land transactions pertaining to agricultural properties from October 29, the day when the Chief Minister launched the Dharani portal, there was no significant improvement on the revenue front owing to the teething problems that were witnessed before stabilising the operations through the portal.
  • According to the monthly performance indicators of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, the revenue from the Stamps and Registration department till October stood at ₹ 1,692.51 crore as against the budget estimates for the year at ₹10,000 crore. The achievement till October was just 16.93% as against the 60.46% registered during the corresponding period of the previous financial year.
  • Chief Justice Raghavendra Singh Chauhan, head of the division bench suggested to continue with the old procedures with the reviving of these NAP registrations. A sufficient certification guarantees the security precautions to safeguard the crucial data of the citizens in the Dharani portal. That is the reason the continuity with the old procedures is agreed by the Bench.
  • After launching the Dharani TS Portal, the Telangana High Court has given permission for NAP Registrations.
  • The NAP Registrations are purely an advanced Slot Booking System. 

The fear still strives that the initiative may run into trouble over data collection. Consequently, the Telangana High Court directed the stamps and registration department to not collect details such as Aadhaar and caste details of land buyers and sellers.


  • The new Online NAP Slot Booking System aims to reduce work pressures for the Sub-Registered Officers along with making sure to avoid any illegal property dealings and registrations that might take in the provinces of Telangana state.

Merits of embracing the new Online NAP Slot Booking System:

  • Encouragement to complete the work in less time and without any further delay.
  • Hassle-free registration processes can be finished with the help of this system.
  • Under this New state-level innovative System, People can book their slots and appointments online sitting at their homes.
  • Encourages everyone to become cashless. Therefore, it is a purely cashless Registration Process. Citizens can make the requisite fee Online.

Let us see the online procedure to book the slots online for the registration of Non-Agricultural Property (NAP).

1) User registration and Entry of details for Slot booking in Telangana:

  • Go to
  • Click ‘Book Your Slot’ button on the right side of the webpage
  • You will be directed to login page
  • If you are a new user, click ‘Register Here’ button
  • You will be directed to another page to enter name, mobile number and click ‘Get OTP’
  • Enter OTP, password, captcha and click ‘Register’
  • Click to login after confirmation of registration
  • After login, you will be directed to a screen to select slot booking from the left side menu
  • You will be directed to a screen for select transaction type, transaction sub type, property type and local body
  • Based on the options selected, fields to capture information vary
  • Select all fields and click ‘Save and Continue’
  • You will be directed to property details screen
  • Enter PTIN number and click ‘Get Details’. Details are prepopulated
  • Enter all mandatory fields and click ‘Save and Continue’.

2) Property type:

  • If property type is selected as apartment and local body as Municipal Corporation/Municipality, a screen will be displayed. Enter all details and click ‘Save and Continue’.
  • If property type is selected as unit in commercial complex and local body as Gram Panchayat, a screen will be displayed. Enter all details and click ‘Save and Continue’
  • You will soon be directed to the market value screen
  • Market value and structure value will differ based on locality and property type entered. Rate is pre-populated as per government rates. Enter plot area in square yards and built-up area in square feet
  • Market value of property is calculated and displayed
  • Enter consideration value. Stamp duty is calculated on market value/consideration value whichever is higher. Click ‘Save and Continue’ TS property registrations
  • You will be directed to seller details page. Select seller type from the drop down (Individual, HUF, firm, company, others). Based on type of seller, fields for capturing information vary
  • Enter all fields and click ‘+ Seller’ button to add seller details
  • Then click ‘Save and Continue’
  • You will be directed to buyer details page. Select buyer type from the drop down (Individual, HUF, firm, company, others). Based on type of seller, fields for capturing information vary. Enter all fields and click ‘+ buyer’ button to add seller details. Then click ‘Save and Continue’

Note: If you have PAN number, enter it. If you do not have it, select Form 60/61 from drop down menu

  • You will be directed to buyer family details screen. If buyer has family, select ‘YES’ from drop down menu and add name, Aadhaar number, age, mobile number and relationship to the owner
  • Click ‘Add/Edit Family Member’ tab to add other family members. Click ‘Save and Continue’
  • Click ‘Draft Transaction Summary’ and download
  • You will be directed to a screen to click ‘Add Witness’ button after which a pop-up will be displayed to enter witness details
  • Minimum of two witness details to be saved
  • Then witness confirmation message is displayed
  • After adding two witnesses, click ‘Download Deed Document’
  • You will be directed to payment screen along with payment summary. Click ‘Proceed to Pay’
  • You will be directed to payment gateway. Select and make online payment. Click generate e-challan after which a receipt will be generated
  • You will then be directed to slot booking.

3) Slot booking:

  • Select date, click ‘Undertaking by Buyer’ and ‘Undertaking by Seller’
  • Available slots are displayed
  • Click desirable slot, and also ‘Confirm and Download’
  • Alert message is displayed asking confirmation of date and time
  • Slot booking confirmation message is displayed
  • Download the following documents: Undertaking by seller, undertaking by buyer, booking advisory, transaction summary
  • An SMS will be sent to seller and buyer
  • Both buyer and seller will meet the registration operator on the appointment day with all relevant documents


Subject Details
Name of the System Non-Agriculture Property Slot Booking (NAP)  
Official Website  
Daily Available Slots   25
Slots Available dates    14th December 2020 onwards  
Post Category     State government scheme
Launched by    Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar Garu  
Mode of Payments       Online  
Mode of Registrations  Online  
Objective         Time and Work-load reduction at Sub-Registered Offices  


  • The official website can be used for online slot booking with date and time for Telangana Non-Agricultural Property Registration.
  • The service of non-agriculture property registration can also be availed at Meeseva Centres for Rs. 200. Although each sub-registrar office can be allotted 100 slots per day, for now only 24 slots per day are being allowed.
  • The number of slots would be increased with the increase in demand for Telangana Non Agri Property Registration. This information is given by the Telangana Stamps and Registrations Department. The slots can be used for the following purposes: –
  • Sale
  • Purchase
  • Gift deeds
  • Mortgages
  • Other services
  • Apply PTIN / TPIN for Plot & Property
  • All those people who are intending to use the website’s services will require the following things: –
  • Telangana Property Identification Number (TPIN), (or)
  • Property Tax Identification Number (PTIN)

Note: Those who do not have these identification numbers can contact their gram panchayats, municipalities, municipal corporations, for these to be generated within two working days. With these 2 numbers, people can apply PTIN / TPIN for plot or property.

  • A separate window has been created for the builders and real estate developers, enabling them to upload new properties in bulk. Till date, 451 builders and developers have uploaded details of 93,874 properties. Once a slot is booked through online payment or by paying challans on SBI, details on the location of sub-registrar office will be sent via SMS. All land registration processes were put on hold in Telangana on 8 September 2020 with the TRS govt’s rollout of Dharani.
  • This Dharani portal is a one-stop portal for land transfer, update and registration. The initiative ran into trouble over data collection. The Telangana High Court directed the stamps and registration department to not collect details such as Aadhaar and caste details of land buyers and sellers. The portal for registering non-agricultural lands was meant to be part of the Dharani portal. This merger has been deferred due to the court case.
  • It is, thereafter, officially announced that initially twenty-Four Slots can be booked in a single day at each Sub- register Office. The NAP Registrations Slot Bookings will be done online only by the TS Citizens after making the full payment of requisite fees. Citizens should complete the full payment through the Telangana registration Portal only.
  • It is advisable for people to visit the respective Sub Register Office on the Slot booking date & time with the required documents.
  • Cash or Direct Registrations without Slot Booking is strictly prohibited in the sub-registered offices.
  • A new vision to reduce the work load is an Anti-Corruption opportunity to complete the registration processes of both the agricultural or non-agricultural properties without any delay.
  • Registrations will, however, be carried out according to the old online slot booking system and not through the Dharani website. To this point, the High Court directed the state government. As part of the registration, the High Court also permitted the entry of property tax information and identification numbers.
  • The workers of the Department of Stamps and Registrations were also provided with the requisite training in this respect. However, the registration of non-agricultural properties through the Dharani portal was placed on hold as per court orders, following petitions filed in the High Court.
  • In the interim order, the State was ordered not to impose the landowners to submit details of Aadhaar card, caste and family members to the Dharani portal in respect of non-agricultural lands until further court orders have been given.

In case of any query, please write an e-mail to For more details, visit the official website of Stamps and Registration website at